Tuesday 1 April 2008

What Do Kids Want?

"For children raised on the Web browser, a new computer proved to be less of a hit than one parent expected
When offered a chance last fall to buy a computer engineered with a new kid-friendly design, I had visions of my children using its specialized software to do creative-writing projects, make short animations and learn basics of music composition.
Three months later, a different reality has emerged: My kids have barely touched the software designed for creative expression. They prefer our five-year-old PC because it's easier to play simple games and watch videos on the Web.
WSJ's Kevin Delaney bought the XO laptop for his kids, but he's found they prefer the family's PC. His son Jack discusses what he likes to do with computers.
The experience has reminded me of the hazards of projecting expectations for your children's happiness or development onto any prospective purchase. But even more, it has made me realize that the Web is a defining media experience of my kids' childhoods in the way that TV and videogames were for me. Any technology aimed at kids needs to be able to deliver the richest experiences available on the Web or face an uphill battle in winning the attention of this browser generation." WSJ Mar 08

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