Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Vivendi mobile game promoted via MySpace

"Vivendi is promoting its latest mobile title Surviving High School 07 through MySpace, offering competition winners a chance to appear in the game.
Five randomly selected winners will have an in-game avatar named after them and created to look like their likenesses, as well as receiving a Motorola handset with the game pre-loaded.
"This creative contest involves some of the most notable names in interactive entertainment and communication with Motorola, MySpace, a variety of wireless providers and Vivendi Games Mobile all coming together to select the next mobile gaming stars," commented Paul Maglione, president of Vivendi Games Mobile.
"We wanted to take customisation and community involvement to the next level and create one of the most unique opportunities imaginable for mobile gamers and MySpace users."
Surviving High School 07 is an original IP developed for Vivendi Games Mobile by Centerscore." April 18 2007

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